Central Ontario Off-Road Jeep Club
2022 Year End Report

2022 marked the clubs 5th year anniversary and a year for charity.
Contributions of $3,675 were split between the Moxie Foundation and Jeeps for Paws with smaller donations going to local food banks and lots of prizes given to our members.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the club this year, with a special thank you to the club sponsors and our trail guides. Without you there would be no club.
For more highlights for the year, we invite you to review our 2022 Annual Report
Contributions of $3,675 were split between the Moxie Foundation and Jeeps for Paws with smaller donations going to local food banks and lots of prizes given to our members.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to the club this year, with a special thank you to the club sponsors and our trail guides. Without you there would be no club.
For more highlights for the year, we invite you to review our 2022 Annual Report
Our Mission
COORJC is organized for the purpose of social, recreational and educational activities designed to foster the enjoyment of off-road vehicles while protecting and preserving our natural resources. COORJC is committed to safe, responsible four wheeling and adherence to the principles of TREAD LIGHTLY !
COORJC is organized for the purpose of social, recreational and educational activities designed to foster the enjoyment of off-road vehicles while protecting and preserving our natural resources. COORJC is committed to safe, responsible four wheeling and adherence to the principles of TREAD LIGHTLY !
Club Statistics
The club's active Facebook group with boys and girls of all ages!
The club's active Facebook group with boys and girls of all ages!

Membership has it's rewards!
Thanks to our generous sponsors the club gave our members all kinds of prizes. Here are just a few.
Club Sponsors
Exclusive to Members
Organized/Guided Trail Runs
As a COORJC member you have access to the club online events calendar.
Something for everyone with options most weekends thanks to an amazing group of trail guides!
Here is what the year looked like.
Organized/Guided Trail Runs
As a COORJC member you have access to the club online events calendar.
Something for everyone with options most weekends thanks to an amazing group of trail guides!
Here is what the year looked like.
2022 Event Calendar
A few members' photos!
2 Day Fall Colour/Waterfall Run
Members Barbeque
While traditionally, we have hosted a free club member BBQ, we stepped up the fair this year from burgers and dogs. For a small $5 fee we had an amazing meal, some good laughs, fun prize draws and raised some money for the Haliburton Emergency Rural SafeSpace.
While traditionally, we have hosted a free club member BBQ, we stepped up the fair this year from burgers and dogs. For a small $5 fee we had an amazing meal, some good laughs, fun prize draws and raised some money for the Haliburton Emergency Rural SafeSpace.
Club Public Group Events and Gatherings
Rookie Runs Not sure you want to take your jeep off road, give our Rookie Runs a chance to see if you like it! Rookie Runs were run monthly and hope to see more of you in 2023. Again cannot thank our sponsors enough for the support in providing some amazing prizes for our rookies and special thank you to Beast Off Road in coming out each month and guiding a run. Also thank you to all of our guides and back up supports in needed to run these events. |
Jeeps for Paws
Jeeps for Paws
It was an honour to help support the paws cause!
With a club campaign this year in support of local animal shelters we raised $1,000, 200 lbs. of food and 70lbs. of litter. Plus all the leashes, harnesses and toys.
With a club campaign this year in support of local animal shelters we raised $1,000, 200 lbs. of food and 70lbs. of litter. Plus all the leashes, harnesses and toys.
COORJC Annual Show n Shine
Wow can not believe it has been 5 years along side our Ambassador Solo, Todd Folks, hosting his TMR race Thunder in the Hills. It has been a good run, thanks for bringing us along. Sorry to see you retire, but hope to see you on the trails once again.
This year we raised $1,000 split between HERS and PAWs and gave away over $2,000 in prizes!
Supporting Others

As we have always been, COORJC is an OF4WD club. As such we continue to support OF4WD projects including trail exploration, trail mapping and trail maintenance.
In 2022 we adopted our third trail for the adopt a trail program and ran scouting runs and clean up runs for Gooderham, Pencil Lake and Concession.
Watch for call outs for volunteers to support of4wd projects! We share them on our public group facebook page. And please do your trail reports.
In 2022 we adopted our third trail for the adopt a trail program and ran scouting runs and clean up runs for Gooderham, Pencil Lake and Concession.
Watch for call outs for volunteers to support of4wd projects! We share them on our public group facebook page. And please do your trail reports.

Message From the Founder
The types of people we have attracted to both our Facebook group and our Club is nothing short of amazing. The Jeep community is unlike anything I have ever been a part of. My hat’s off to Jeepers everywhere but especially to the members of the COORJC. Without you none of this would have been possible.
To our Board, those members who have volunteered their time and efforts, I can’t possibly thank you enough.
I am very proud of the club efforts to give our members some of the finest wheeling experiences possible and dedication to trail up keep and community social involvement.
Looking forward to the 2023 Season !
Thank you all.
Mark (maybe I will get to wheel next year) Sims